Assetz Capital Launches Property Secured Investment Account

P2P Lending marketplace Assetz Capital today announced the launch of another account type. The Property Secured Investment Account (PSIA) is marketed as a way to invest exclusively in property backed loans with automatic diversification intended to help investors spread their risk across a diverse range of lending. Every single loan considered for this account is automatically selected or rejected upon the basis of the level of property security that it offers. The loans automatically selected for investment by this account are only those that have no expected loss in the case of that loan defaulting in the future, even after any estimated recovery costs.

The target rate for the Assetz PSIA account is 5.5%. (Interest is quoted gross at the target rate, although actual returns could be lower)

Shift of Demand on UK Property Marketplaces
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One thought on “Assetz Capital Launches Property Secured Investment Account

  1. Hi, I’m a US Citizen and just tried to open an account with them. They told me this morning that they can’t accept deposits from Transferwise.

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