Finding the best MyC4 loans accelerated growth during the past month. This is shown by stats on (provided by showing the loan volume by origination month. Compared to earlier months the loan volume rose sharply in December and January. In December 150,000 Euro loans and in January 250,000 Euro loans were disbursed to African entrepreneurs.

myc4 loan volume by month

The new MyC4Stats page offers reports helping lenders to find open MyC4 loan listings with the best rates. At MyC4 – unlike at Prosper – every lender funds a loan at his individual interest rate. In fact 50 different lenders funding one specific loan may each earn different, self-set interest rates. While MyC4 sets a maximum for the weighted average interest rate for each loan, it is still possible for an individual lender to bid higher and earn more after funding.

Example: A 2500 Euro loan to Clementine Gbrou, who exports grains to Europe the maximum weighted Wanted interest rate was 12% (lender interest, not borrower). This loan closed with a weighted average interest rate of 11,64% (lender interest). The individual lenders in this loan earn DIFFERENT selfselected interest rate between 3% and 13.5%. Several lenders thus achieved above average rates.

How to find the best loans?

To select the loans with the best rates for bidding in the listing phase a quick overview of available listings sorted by the maximum possible interest rates that can be bid, is important. Several tables on MyC4Stats help lenders on this. Sample screenshot:

Myc4 bidding tool

The report presents the listings sorted by maximum interest rate (column Maximum bid) that can be bid and states the Euro amount above this rate that serves as a buffer before being outbid. The buffer is caused by the rule that new bids must always be place at least 0.5% lower then the current high bid.

Evolving Wiseclerk to a p2p lending information exchange

As some of you might have noticed, the main page of changed today and now offers a p2p lending discussion forum. I believe there is a huge need for information on the developing p2p lending services. In this spirit I started in April 2006 to create useful overview reports on Prosper. While it was not the first site of this kind (some oldtimers may remember by atlantageek) it did grow quickly and built a loyal userbase among Prosper lenders.

Prosper did from the beginning support the efforts of developers by providing data publicly and later offering data export interfaces and APIs.

Both the Wiseclerk reports and the later added blog were started with a focus on Prosper. That was appropriate at that point in time but now I think a broader view is needed. Lenders can choose between several p2p lending services and the flow of information needs to be taken to a meta platform level. Lenders that lend on several platforms will not want to check several forums – each one tied to the single platform.

The new forum will also serve as a feedback and discussion location for ideas and news published in the p2p-banking blog. Later today I will add a display into the blog that shows the latest discussion threads from the forum.

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Zopa demand figures

Lenders at Zopa do not (yet) select an individual borrower but rather select a market and a rate at which they want to lend their money. This is matched to borrower demand and if a match is found, money is lend out.

There is a 3rd party site tracking the development of the Zopa demand volume and charting it (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly). Recently the amount requested has gone down in most markets.



Prosper loan figures

Prosper loans have meanwhile surpassed 66 million dollars loan volume. A look at wiseclerk's prosper loan aging table shows that succeeds in increasing originating loan volume nearly every month. Currently new loans for about 8 million US$ originate each month.

However the figures also show an alarmingly high volume for late and defaulted loans. Especially when looking at older loans (the new ones do not have aged enough to be technically able to default). For example of 2.1 million dollar loan value that originated in June last year, $177,000 loan value has defaulted and another $105,000 are 3 or more months late. The default rate for loans from June 2006 will therefore be well above 10 percent at the end of the 36 month term. And this is no execption. For March and April 2006 defaults are already higher than 10 percent of originating loan value.

prosper loan aging

Booberwatch offers statistics on p2p lending

The new website offers p2p lending stats for the Dutch p2p lending service (as does for stats). While the site is in Dutch language, it has many charts and tables that can be understood without speaking Dutch. The main page shows the fluctation of average interest for each credit grade over time. According to booberwatch 536207 Euros have been loaned so far.