Main UK P2P Lending Services Agree on Standard for Calculating Defaults

A long time downside of p2p lending was that each company used its own definition for defaults making it hard to impossible for all but experts to compare figures for different p2p lending companies. The Peer-to-Peer Finance Association (P2PFA), a trade organisation of British p2p lending companies, now addressed this issue with a new standard: ‘In future, all P2PFA members will calculate defaults on their loans in a standard way, helping consumers compare between platforms and to strengthen standards of industry disclosure. The new default rate calculation is currently being implemented and will be published on each individual P2PFA member’s website.’

P2PFA definitions of Non-Performing Loans and Defaults:

Definition of Non-Performing Loan:
A loan should be considered to be a ’Non-Performing Loan’, ‘Impaired’ or in ‘Arrears’, where the relevant borrower of the loan is:
(a) more than 45 days overdue in an interest payment; or
(b) more than 45 days
overdue with a principal repayment; or
(c) legal action for enforcement of the loan has commenced; or
(d) the loan is being or has been renegotiated with a borrower, or
(e) the loan has not otherwise been in full compliance.
The amount of arrears is the amount overdue for payment in a) and b) above. Continue reading